Sunday, September 23, 2018

Metaphor Me, Metaphor Meaning !

I see a lot of catchy metaphorical motivational quotes and I'm often impressed by their messages. Here's my issue with them. For every positive metaphorical quote there is a very real negative quote too.

Like every sunset is followed by a sunrise. But the fear is - how long and how dark will be the night. Yes, the sun will rise, but will I be there to see it ? Or - get out of your comfort zone - so should I stay poor or ignorant and uncomfortable ?

I feel, if you want to say something useful, use your life experiences and quote from that. There is more reality in what we experience that metaphorical phrases which are often so trite , they are not worth the space they occupy.

So if I was to say, wait for the sun to rise and it shall, maybe I should say , find a way to deal with what you are going through, with support from friends, family, people we look up to, ask for advice, feedback, opinions, options, which will create discomfort within you, because it may challenge your current level of skill, knowledge or competence , or emotional balance for fear of losing even more in the process.

The so called sun rising is what happens when you work through these challenges actively engaging with the strengths , contacts, experience, wisdom of others to create the sunlight of more options than you thought you had. The courage too, to keep going through the darkness of your night, when you listen to the deep truths of how others have seen things through.

The discomfort that follows is to be expected since you will now need to develop new competences to deal with new options. But like exercising the body, your mind develops and fires new neural pathways, reframing the future.

As you go forward you will without doubt discover much more about yourself and what you can do. The sunrise is not seen by waiting for the night to pass. It's about you traveling through the night of your fears, incompetences, insecurities, loneliness, hopelessness, helplessness, emotional inadequacies,  to where the sun is shining already.

The sunrise is what you discover about what more you can do, who can help you, what goals are real , what spaces need to be filled, and what is it that you need to see in yourself and how to accept and love who you are while you get there

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