If you have to "manage" your friendship, it's probably not a friendship.
No matter what the pressures of life, true friends find time for each other.
Great friendships are like sparkling streams of joy and release, refreshing the parched earth of our lives.
When people say great friendships need not worked at, they are making excuses for their failure to do so.
Flowers do bloom in a well cared garden. As also in the wild. But even the wild is cared for by Mother Nature. Whats your relationships like ? Is Mother Nature overworked ?
Friends who come and go like the tides of the sea, must be watched for what they leave behind when they go
Dont stay perpetually ready to smile and support someone who refuses to see the strain and struggle behind your smile.
When a friend loves you, it is almost always unconditionally. Make sure it can gladly stay that way.
Dont deny old friendships and old acts of love just because you dont need them today. Thats like a tree shaking off the gold and auburn leaves before autumn
When a friend is lonely and in pain, do you know ?
How many friends did you call today ?
What do you expect from a good friend ? Do you do that too ?
And a Bonus Quote
The best way we celebrate a friendship is when we celebrate the friend.